Investing in world stock mutual fund is important for investor to participate in global expansion. Some of the
best world stock mutual funds are: Nuveen Tradewinds Global All-Cap fund, Royce Global Select fund, Royce Global Value fund, etc.
Since 2000, big or small companies has prepared for globalization. Over the years, business operations and investment are moving throughout this world. International stock markets have managed to hold greater prominence and account for half of the world’s market capitalization.
To invest in these international stocks, investors can choose several ways such as individual stock, mutual fund, closed end fund, and exchange traded fund. Selecting individual companies stocks may be difficult for regular investors. Choosing mutual fund, investor can get diversification and reduce risk.
One of the popular international stock mutual fund categories is world stock fund. This world stock mutual fund invests in U.S. and Non-U.S. companies stocks.
Top Rated World Stock Funds
These world stock mutual funds are ranked based on its long term performance. You may find other fund review information such as fund management, dividend yield, sales load, expense ratio fee, top holding, top sectors, etc.