August 15, 2012

Neuberger Berman High Income Bond Fund (NHINX) Investor Class

Neuberger Berman High Income Bond fund (NHINX) is a high yield bond mutual fund. It provides high yield income for investors. The fund review can be found in this article.

Neuberger Berman High Income Bond Investor (Ticker: NHINX)

The investment aim of Neuberger Berman High Income Bond fund is to seek high total return consistent with capital preservation. The fund typically invests >80% of its net assets in High-Yield Bonds. It normally expects to have a weighted average maturity between 5 and 10 years. Ann Benjamin has been managing this fund since October 2005. She is assisted by Thomas O’Reilly and Russ Covode.

Fund Profile
Neuberger Berman High Income Bond fund details
Neuberger Berman High Income Bond
  • Fund Inception Date: January 30, 1992
  • Ticker Symbol: NHINX
  • CUSIP: 64128K850
  • Beta (3yr): -0.05
  • Rank in category (YTD): 65%
  • Category: High Yield Bond
  • Yield: 6.46%
  • Capital Gains: 0%
  • Expense Ratio: 0.86%
  • Net Assets: $ 2.83 billion
  • Number of Years Up: 18 years
  • Number of Years Down: 1 year
  • Average maturity: 6.6 years
  • Average Duration: 4.0 years
  • Annual Turnover Rate: 88.00%
updated on 8/14/2012

August 13, 2012

Best U.S. Mortgage Bond Closed End Funds 2012

Some of the best U.S. mortgage bond closed end funds are PCM fund, First Trust Mortgage Income, BlackRock Income Trust, etc. You can find the top funds review below.

Mortgage Bond CEFs image
Mortgage Bond CEFs
Top Mortgage Bond CEFs

One of the taxable bond closed end fund sectors is mortgage bond CEF. This bond CEF invests mainly in mortgage backed securities, commercial loan, other asset backed securities, etc. It also provides high income for investors.

Note: Some of these funds market price trade either above (premium) or below (discount) their NAVs. It may also use leverage to enhance its performance. Please do your research before investing in these bond closed end funds.

The best U.S. mortgage bond closed end funds of 2012 are:
  1. PCM Fund (PCM)
  2. First Trust Mortgage Income (FMY)
  3. BlackRock Income Trust (BKT)
  4. American Strategic Income (ASP)
  5. American Income Fund (MRF)
  6. American Select Portfolio (SLA)
  7. Helios Total Return (HTR)
  8. American Strategic Income II (BSP)
updated on 8/13/2012

August 12, 2012

Columbia Emerging Markets Bond Fund (REBAX)

Columbia Emerging Markets Bond Fund is part of fixed income mutual fund. This taxable bond fund focuses its investment in emerging markets debt. More fund review can be found below.

Columbia Emerging Markets Bond A (REBAX)

The investment aim of Columbia Emerging Markets Bond fund is to provide investors with high total return from current income and capital appreciation. This mutual fund typically utilizes majority of net assets in emerging markets countries bonds. It may invests in debt of companies which earn 50% or more of their total revenues produced in emerging markets countries or from sales made in emerging markets countries.

Fund Profile
REBAX fund
  • Fund Inception Date: Feb 16, 2006
  • Ticker Symbol: REBAX (Class A)
  • CUSIP: 19763P184
  • Beta (3yr): 0.72
  • Rank in category (YTD): 46%
  • Category: Emerging Markets Bond
  • Yield: 5.81%
  • Capital Gains: 0%
  • Expense Ratio: 1.28%
  • Net Assets: $ 548.90 million
  • Number of Years Up: 4 years
  • Number of Years Down: 1 year

August 10, 2012

Best Foreign Large Growth Stock Mutual Funds 2012

Some of the best foreign large growth stock mutual funds 2012 are Thornburg International Growth, Calamos International Growth, Scout International, etc. These top funds are being reviewed as well.

Top International Stock Funds

One of the international stock mutual fund sectors is foreign large growth stock mutual fund. These foreign large growth funds focus its investment on high growth stocks, mainly outside of the U.S. It may invest in Japan, Great Britain, France, Germany, Netherland, Switzerland, etc. It may also invest in emerging markets countries such as China, Brazil, India, etc.

Best Foreign Large Growth Stock Mutual Funds of 2012 are:
Best Foreign Large Growth Mutual Funds image
Best Foreign Large Growth Funds
  1. Calamos International Growth A (CIGRX)
  2. Scout International (UMBWX)
  3. Harding Loevner International Equity (HLMNX)
  4. USAA International (USIFX)
  5. Thornburg International Growth A (TIGAX)
  6. MFS International Growth A (MGRAX)
  7. Turner International Growth Inv (TICFX)
  8. Virtus Foreign Opportunities A (JVIAX)
  9. Fidelity International Growth (FIGFX)
  10. First Investors International A (FIINX)
updated on 8/9/2012

August 9, 2012

American Funds Income Fund of America Fund (AMECX) Class A

American Funds Income Fund of America Fund (AMECX) Class A is a popular balanced mutual fund. This American Funds fund focuses its investment in stocks and bonds which produce income.

American Funds Income Fund of America A (Ticker: AMECX)

The investment objective of American Funds Income Fund of America is to provide current income and capital growth. This balanced fund uses its assets to purchase income-producing securities. It invests at majority of its assets in common stocks (>60%). It may invest in foreign stocks and higher yielding nonconvertible debt securities.

AMECX Fund Profile

American Funds Income Fund of America - AMECX
Income Fund of America
  • Fund Inception Date: December 31, 2970
  • Ticker Symbol: AMECX
  • CUSIP: 453320103
  • Beta (3yr): 0.96
  • Rank in category (YTD): 93%
  • Category: Moderate Allocation
  • Yield: 4.00%
  • Capital Gains: 0%
  • Expense Ratio: 0.58%
  • Net Assets: $ 71.91 billion
  • Number of Years Up: 34 years
  • Number of Years Down: 7 years
  • Annual Turnover Rate: 38.00%
Updated May 2017

August 8, 2012

Worst Performer Closed End Funds 2012 for Past 5 Years

Some of worst performer closed end funds for the past 5 years are RENN Global Entrepreneurs, Guggenheim Enhanced Equity Strategy, Helios Strategic Income, etc. You can find the fund review below.

Worst Performer CEFs

These worst performers are selected based on its market price performance for the past 5 years (up to August 5th, 2012). They may also have high expense ratio and worst management. These closed end funds (CEFs) can be categorized into domestic stock funds, high yield bond funds, international stock funds, world stock funds, etc.

The 10 worst performer closed end funds of 2012 for the past 5 years are:
Worst Performer Closed End Funds image
Closed End Funds
  1. RENN Global Entrepreneurs (RCG)
  2. Guggenheim Enhanced Equity Strategy (GGE)
  3. Helios Strategic Income (HSA)
  4. Helios Multi-Sector High Income (HMH)
  5. Equus Total Return (EQS)
  6. Helios High Income (HIH)
  7. Helios Advantage Income (HAV)
  8. New Ireland Fund (IRL)
  9. Templeton Russia & East European (TRF)
  10. Alpine Total Dynamic Dividend (AOD)
Updated on 8/8/2012

August 6, 2012

Best Target Date 2000-2010 Mutual Funds 2012

Some of the best target date 2000-2010 balanced mutual funds of 2012 are Vanguard Target Retirement 2010, T. Rowe Price Retirement 2005, Fidelity Freedom 2010, etc. You can find the fund review.

Target Date 2000-2010 Mutual Funds logo
Target Date Mutual Funds
Top Target Date Mutual Funds

One of the popular balanced mutual fund sectors is target date mutual fund. It is also known as lifecycle fund or asset allocation fund. It invests in stocks, bonds, and money market. Typically it invests in other funds from the fund family.

These funds can be categorized into various classes such as retirement income, target date 2000-2010, target date 2011-2015, target date 2016-2020, target date 2050+, etc. The asset allocation is adjusted based on the target date of the fund objective.

The following top funds are sorted based on its long term performance, expense ratio, annual holdings turnover rate, management, etc. More fund details can be found below such as sales load, expense fee, top holdings, top sectors, worst performance, etc.

Best Target Date 2000-2010 Mutual Funds of 2012 are:
  1. Vanguard Target Retirement 2010 Inv (VTENX)
  2. T. Rowe Price Retirement 2005 (TRRFX)
  3. Fidelity Freedom 2010 (FFFCX)
  4. American Funds Target Date Retirement 2010 A (AAATX)
  5. T. Rowe Price Retirement 2010 (TRRAX)
  6. GuideStone Funds MyDestination 2005 GS4 (GMIZX)
  7. MFS Lifetime 2010 A (MFSAX)
  8. Fidelity Freedom 2005 (FFFVX)
  9. Wells Fargo Advantage DJ Target 2010 Inv (WFCTX)
  10. Fidelity Freedom 2000 (FFFBX)
updated on 8/6/2012

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