Investing in ETF
For the last decade, ETF or exchange traded fund has become popular among investors and traders. With its low cost, ETF provides way to diversify into various asset classes. You can choose a few ETFs and be as diversify as any balanced fund. One of the most popular ETFs is Powershares QQQ Fund. Also known as QQQ ETF, it tracks Nasdaq 100 Index.If you read financial newspaper such as Barron’s, you will find variety of ads about this Powershares QQQ Fund. Should you invest in this stock ETF? You need to find the fund review below. Whether it is for your brokerage account, retirement account or even 401k plan, you need to know your investment in details.
Some of the ad versions are as follows:
Version 1:
Powershares | QQQ Nasdaq 100
As one of the groundbreaking ETFs in the marketplace, PowerShares QQQ invests in 100 of the world’s most revolutionary companies. Each is listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market and includes household names such as Oracle, Starbucks, Microsoft, Intel, Cisco Systems, and Google. With all of these revolutionary companies in one fund, innovative investing is within your reach.
PowerShares QQQ is based on the Nasdaq-100 Index. The Fund will, under most circumstances, consist of all stocks in the Index. The Index includes 100 of the largest domestic and international nonfinancial companies listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market based on market capitalization.