Matthews China Fund (Ticker: MCHFX)
The investment objective of Matthews China Fund is to seek long-term capital appreciation. The fund utilizes its assets to buy the common and preferred stocks of companies located in China and Taiwan. It seeks to invest in companies capable of sustainable growth based on the fundamental characteristics of those companies. The current shares price is $23.05.
Fund Profile
- Fund Inception Date: 02/18/1998
- Ticker Symbol: MCHFX
- CUSIP: 577-130-701
- Beta (3yr): 0.81
- Rank in category (YTD): 84%
- Category: China Region
- Yield: 1.16%
- Capital Gains: 0%
- Expense Ratio: 1.13%
- Net Assets: $ 1.93 billion
- Annual Turnover Rate: 8.43%