Top Bond CEF Funds
Bond funds have not performed very well for the past year. In 2013, any investors are either loss capital or gain very little. No one would expect a big gain for bond funds. However, some of the bond closed end funds managed to achieve just that a big return in 2013. Most of the top performing funds are senior loan fund, multi sector, convertible debt, high yield debt, etc.Will these top funds stay on top in 2014? Find the fund review below. Whether you are investing for your brokerage fund or retirement fund, you need to be sure you are making the right choice. You may find the fund yield, performance return, expense ratio, total assets, and rating. You can also find my previous top performer municipal bond CEFs article.
The 10 best performing taxable bond closed end funds 2013 are:
- NexPoint Credit Strategies Fund
- PIMCO Global StocksPLUS & Income
- PIMCO High Income Fund
- Oxford Lane Capital Corp
- AGIC Convertible & Income II
- AGIC Convertible & Income
- Advent Claymore Conv & Income
- Advent Claymore Cnvt Secs&Inc
- Calamos Convertible Opps & Inc
- Pioneer High Income Trust