PIMCO is one of the popular mutual fund families. It provides a wide selection of mutual funds across all asset classes. Investors can choose different fund to achieve a portfolio diversification. These funds may provide high yield income, capital appreciation, and capital preservation. Bill Gross and Mohamed El Erian are the co-CIO of the PIMCO (Pacific Investment Management Company, LLC). PIMCO Investment is a unit of Allianz Global Investors.
Top PIMCO Mutual Funds
These top mutual funds are selected based on its long term track record. They may include diversified bond fund, high yield bond, emerging markets bond, balanced fund, commodities fund, etc. You can find the fund review from this post.
Note: This list provides Class A fund which may have a sales load. You can try to invest in Class D or Institutional Class which doesn’t charge a sales load.
Best PIMCO Mutual Funds of 2012 are
- PIMCO Total Return A (PTTAX)
- PIMCO Emerging Markets Bond A (PAEMX)
- PIMCO High Yield Fund A (PHDAX)
- PIMCO Real Return A (PRTNX)
- PIMCO All Asset A (PASAX)
- PIMCO Commodity Real Return Strategy A (PCRAX)
- PIMCO Fundamental IndexPLUS TR Fund A (PIXAX)
- PIMCO International StocksPLUS TR Str A (PPUAX)
- PIMCO Convertible Fund A (PACNX)
- PIMCO RealRetirement Income and Distribution Fund A (PTNAX)