Conservative Allocation Funds
Conservative allocation mutual fund invests primarily in a combination of equities, bonds, and money market. It typically invests about 60-70% of assets in bonds or money markets. The rests are invested in stocks. As part of balanced fund category, it provides regular income and capital growth opportunity for investors. You can invest either through your brokerage or retirement account (Roth IRA or traditional IRA).These best performing conservative allocation mutual funds are sorted based on its 1 year performance up to April 1st, 2013. The issuers of these balanced funds include Franklin Templeton, Pioneer, API, JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo Advantage, etc.
The best performing conservative allocation mutual funds April 2013 are:
- API Efficient Frontier Income fund (APIUX)
- Pioneer Multi Asset Income fund (PMAIX)
- Franklin Income fund (FKINX)
- JPMorgan Income Builder fund (JNBAX)
- Goldman Sachs Income Builder fund (GSBFX)
- Wells Fargo Advantage Divers Income Builder fund (EKSAX)
- Hartford Balanced Income fund (HBLAX)
- Principal Global Diversified Income fund (PGBAX)
- Thrivent Diversified Income Plus fund (AAHYX)
- Nuveen NWQ Flexible Income fund (NWQAX)
- IMS Strategic Income fund (IMSIX)
- Natixis Diversified Income fund (IIDPX)
- Toews Hedged Growth Allocation fund (THGWX)
- MFS Diversified Income fund (DIFAX)
- BlackRock Multi-Asset Income fund (BAICX)
- PSI Strategic Growth fund (FXSAX)