Top Foreign Equity CEF Funds
Most of International stocks managed to perform well for the past 2 years. The non-U.S. stock performance can also be tracked through various investment funds such as closed end funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs), and mutual funds. You can find the top performing international stock closed end funds in 2013 below.These best performing closed end funds are sorted based on its 1 year total return up to December, 31 2013. You may find other fund review information: expense ratio, fund’s NAV, management, objective, yield, top holdings, etc. Some of the top performing sectors are world stock, Asia stock, growth & income, emerging markets, etc.
The 10 best performing international stock closed end funds 2013 are:
- Gabelli Multimedia
- New Germany Fund
- New Ireland Fund
- Thai Fund Inc
- Swiss Helvetia Fund
- Clough Global Equity
- Aberdeen Israel
- European Equity Fund
- Japan Smaller Capitalization
- Japan Equity Fund