World Stock Funds
If you are global investors, you may need to consider world stock funds. There are 3 main investment funds which offer world stocks. The investment funds are mutual funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs), and closed end funds (CEFs). You can buy these funds for your brokerage or retirement account (IRA).This World-stock portfolio invests in companies around the globe. It is common for these portfolios to invest the majority of their assets in the U.S., Europe, Japan, and smaller markets (emerging markets or developing countries). These portfolios typically have 20%-60% of assets in U.S. stocks.
Top Performing Mutual Funds
The top performing list is sorted based on its YTD performance in 2014. Investors can find the review and other fund information such as expense ratio, fund manager, yield, turnover rate, sales load, top holdings, top sectors, etc.Top world stock ETFs in 2014 are:
- iShares MSCI Kokusai (TOK)
- SPDR Global Dow ETF (DGT)
- First Trust DJ Global Select Dividend (FGD)
- iShares Global 100 (IOO)
- iShares MSCI World (URTH)
- Russell Equity ETF (ONEF)
- Vanguard Total World Stock Index ETF (VT)
- iShares MSCI ACWI Index (ACWI)
- Global X SuperDividend™ ETF (SDIV)