Mid Cap Growth Funds
Mid cap growth mutual funds may invest in equities of all sizes or in equities of midsize companies with high potential growth. They invest mainly in U.S. companies or corporation. These companies have market capitalization between $2 billion - $10 billion. The fund managers may use different matrices such as high growth rate for earnings, sales, book value, and cash flow) and high valuation (high price ratios and low dividend yield).These top performers are sorted based on its year to date performance in 2012 (up to December 28, 2012). You can find the fund review and other fund information such as expense ratio, Morningstar rating, fund’s market price, managers, fund’s holdings, yield, etc.
Best Performing Mutual Funds
The 10 best performing mid cap growth mutual funds December 2012 are:- Aquila Three Peaks Opportunity Growth Fund (ATGAX)
- Kinetics Internet No Load (WWWFX)
- Davenport Equity Opportunities (DEOPX)
- PRIMECAP Odyssey Aggressive Growth (POAGX)
- Harbor Mid Cap Growth Fund (HIMGX)
- Touchstone Mid Cap Growth Fund (TEGAX)
- Legg Mason ClearBridge Mid Cap Growth Fund (LBGAX)
- Hartford Midcap Fund (HFMCX)
- Goldman Sachs Small/Mid Cap Growth Fund (GSMAX)
- Artisan Mid Cap Fund (ARTMX)